What is Life?
Life is nothing but a beautiful chance given to us to understand and reach the ultimate. What is the ultimate
may be the next question? The ultimate is nothing but the nature. Yes its the nature. Different religions, Different
customs but the last word is "GOD". Who is that GOD? To me its the Nature, the reality. Natures beauty is the one that would
give comfort to any persons mind and heart. The energy raised by the nature is making/helping us to live today. I mean the
oxygen here. We people wander around and keep fighting for nothing, i mean the money here. When a person loves the nature,
he becomes one of it. Just think.. does any tree or a grass come ask you compensation for oxygen it provides. Or do the rain
claims anything. Same way when one becomes or feels that he is part of the nature than he would work without any self-fishness.
Lead a Simple Life.
In this modern world each one of us want to show-off with what ever we possess. This i mean right from the skin to the
power. Are we given or blessed with this beautiful body to show-off and earn tru it?? Ladies in particular, now-a-days, are
using it as an asset and try to make money out of it. how long will it last?? just few years. Instead use the body to
help the needy and wash out our sins.
What is fate?
"U r the creator of your own destinity.." said Swami Vivakananda.
To me Fate is pre-written by the creator, but with lots of if's. Yes, in our life everyday we undergo a test. The test
to know whether one is with constant good thinking. For any situation to be decided upon there are two possiblities
ie: choosing of the rite and choosing of the wrong. We are left out with the option to think and choose the apt, here comes
the work of our 6th sense. Other creatures are provided with only 5 senses, why is that human alone provided with a 6th sense??
It is for this reason only, to feel, think and choose the rite stuffs always. If one says that he/she would never care of
anything and would just decide at his/her own way then it means the he/she is living with 5 senses and is not a
human. So when we make the choice there comes the "IF" part.. a check is put at that point by the creator, like if the choosen
option is rite one then take im to the positive world. else to the negative world. Its in our hand to build up the fate.
Though it is pre-written, the option on choosing the easiest path is given to us.